Friday, February 20, 2009

Growing up

Where did this tiny little girl go? It almost makes me sad to see how much she has changed. We recently took her in for her 9 month check up,(Yes, 9 months have flown by since this sweet little thing entered our lives, almost 10 months!).
-She weighed in at 21 lbs 4oz. (85th%) It cracks me up that at 2 days old she was in the 10th%. Never before has a Jones baby been in the 10th% in anything, especially weight!
-She measured 27 1/4 in. (40th%).
-She still has a big noggin, 18 3/4 in. (95th%) Our pediatrician said she'll be a volleyball player for Harvard! :)
-She now says UH-OH when she throws her toys off the couch, waves Hi when she wakes up or sees someone come in the room. Her favorite person is her big sister Chelsea. (a.k.a. CeeCee as Emma calls her). Chelsea can get a smile or a laugh almost any time.
-She finally has her first tooth. I thought it would never show up! Boy was it hard to get that sucker in! Two weeks of misery! Only 19 more to go! I guess I forgot how hard that is! Thank heaven I have Dani to remind me! I don't know what I'd do without her!
Here she is, smiling for the camera! What an amazing 9 1/2 months. Man I love being a mom!


rachel said...

You crack me up. Thanks for the comment.

Look at your little baby growing up. She's bigger than Delaney. Wow. Usually my babies are bigger than ANY! ha. I can't believe she's saying "Uh-oh!" How cute is THAT?!

Isn't it so fun?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! I can't believe how big she is getting.

Dani said...

Oh, Mallory is so cute! I just love her! I can't believe it's almost been a year since she was born!

Hey, you need to check out Taylor's blog:

Taylor said...

Hola Aunt Jill! Mallory is so adorable! Can't wait to see her.

Kirsten said...

What a cutie she is, i don't know if Dani mentioned that she brought your darling Mallory over for a play date a few weeks ago. She really is darling and I LOVE her chunky thighs, if only mine were that cute. : )
you are such an amazing mom, love you.

Julee and Matt said...

Oh my heck...she is way to cute! She looks so much like her big sister!

Magdogg said...

Hi Aunt Jill,
Mallory sure is getting big. We just went to Dev's 9 month check up too and he is 20 Ib 9 oz and 29 1/2 in tall. They grow so fast. I was talking to a friend today who has a 2 1/2 month old and all she wants to do is hold her because they don't stay that little very long. I sure held Dev as much as I could. I love being a mom too. Take care. And I can't wait to see you in July!