Saturday, February 28, 2009


Many of you may know of my husband's obession for coaching. He LOVES it! I always know when basketball season is just around the corner, we'll be driving somewhere and he'll miss turns, space out at stop lights until the car behind honks to get us moving and have very long conversations with his Dad and brother. Who happen to help him coach. He is currently the head coach of the girls at Creswell High School(home of the mighty Bulldogs!) and the coach of Chelsea's 5th grade team. (Because he has so much extra time!)
His H.S. game days are long, sometimes 17 hours (including his day as a teacher). The time committment is insane for these guys.
This year has been rough but they pulled off finishing 4th in league and have made it,(for the third year in a row!)to the state tournament. Today they are playing in Rainier Oregon to determine who gets to move on to the the next round.
As you can see from the pics, the older kids love supporting their Dad in his addiction. This was taken following a big win against Regis, a private catholic school in our league. It was a great night!
In years past,(pre-Mallory) I would attend every game and go on almost every scouting trip with him. Yes, you read that right, just coaching is not enough! We also have to go watch other teams play to see what tricks they have up their sleeves. This year, (post-Mallory) I have attended maybe 5 games and have only been on one scouting trip. I'm home with Mallory today. Both the older kids went with Gary and guess I'm a little sad I chose not to make the 3+ hour drive to cheer them on. So here I am blogging my blues away! =0)
As much as I dread Gary's time away from me, I'm always happy for his success. I do hope they win today, it would be great to make another showing in Salem. GO DAWGS!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Growing up

Where did this tiny little girl go? It almost makes me sad to see how much she has changed. We recently took her in for her 9 month check up,(Yes, 9 months have flown by since this sweet little thing entered our lives, almost 10 months!).
-She weighed in at 21 lbs 4oz. (85th%) It cracks me up that at 2 days old she was in the 10th%. Never before has a Jones baby been in the 10th% in anything, especially weight!
-She measured 27 1/4 in. (40th%).
-She still has a big noggin, 18 3/4 in. (95th%) Our pediatrician said she'll be a volleyball player for Harvard! :)
-She now says UH-OH when she throws her toys off the couch, waves Hi when she wakes up or sees someone come in the room. Her favorite person is her big sister Chelsea. (a.k.a. CeeCee as Emma calls her). Chelsea can get a smile or a laugh almost any time.
-She finally has her first tooth. I thought it would never show up! Boy was it hard to get that sucker in! Two weeks of misery! Only 19 more to go! I guess I forgot how hard that is! Thank heaven I have Dani to remind me! I don't know what I'd do without her!
Here she is, smiling for the camera! What an amazing 9 1/2 months. Man I love being a mom!